What Do’s & Dont’s for Child Development

Do’s & Dont’s

What Do’s & Dont’s for Child Development


Appreciate when needed

Celebrate their small achievements

Be a role model

Strive to keep your word to the children.

DO keep a check for change in behaviour.

Maintain healthy communication with your children.

Dine together and catch up on each other’s daily happenings.

Religiously follow the parenting plan to make the process routine, easy and positive for your children.


Don’t compare your children to their peers, and more importantly their siblings.

Don’t be uncooperative. The children will suffer consequences if their parents do not cooperate.

Do not impose your wishes and wills on your child. Let them feel free to do whatever they wish to.

Don’t be afraid to apologise to your child, if you do something wrong.

Never tell your child to mock their teachers or anyone connected to them.

Don’t forget to laugh together!

Don’t forget to hug them.

Don’t say NO every time.

Still unsure on where to begin?